New releases, recent acquisitions, remembering the extraordinary Shusha Guppy RIP 3/21/08, and an upcoming LRFC concert with David Llewellyn...
Sid Kipper - Lord Hardwick - East Side Story - Leader
Lunasa - Eanair - the story so far... - Compass Records
Shusha Guppy - Like The Snow - Lovely in the Dances: the songs of Sydney Carter - Osmosysis Records
Roger Davies - Huddersfield - Northern Trash - RogerDaviesMusic
George Papavgeris - Late Spring - Life's Eyes - Wild Goose Records
Noel Lenaghan - A Long Time Since - A Long Time Since - Waterbug Records
*David Llewellyn - The Fey of Winterbourne - limited edition - Dabhand Records
Sid Kipper - The Sailor In Diss Dress - East Side Story - Leader
Lunasa - The Floating Crowbar - the story so far... - Compass Records
Shusha Guppy - The Cocks Are Crowing - Lovely in the Dances: the songs of Sydney Carter - Osmosysis Records
Roger Davies - the beerbelly blues - Northern Trash - RogerDaviesMusic
George Papavgeris - Toni with an "i" - Life's Eyes - Wild Goose Records
Noel Lenaghan - A Travelling Man's Farewell - A Long Time Since - Waterbug Records
*David Llewellyn - The Grey Mists of Laugharne - limited edition - Dabhand Records
*4/5/08 in concert with Little Rock Folk Club http://www.littlerockfolkclub.org/
Streaming live Wed 2000h CMT/Thu 0200h GMT at KUAR
mail: albion@kuar.org
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